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Sep 27, 2021
Envy, Jealousy, Shame and Insecurity: what they are and how they work together
In society, we often hear the words "envy" and "jealousy" used interchangeably. But did you know that they each have a unique meaning,...

Jun 17, 2021
Marital connection: The impacts of a child-centered marriage
How child-centered parenting impacts your marriage: finding balance and joy within the family systems in your home!

Jan 13, 2021
Building Connection: How a Hot Tub keeps our relationship bubbling!
Research shows us that big things don’t keep connection alive, but rather small consistencies. Long walks, hot baths, nightly cribbage games

May 19, 2020
Stepfamily life Part 2: Bio mom help for Navigating a rocky relationship with the stepmom
This is part 2 of a 2 part blog that focuses on the rocky relationships that can exist between a stepmom and a bio mom.

May 5, 2020
Stepfamily life Part 1: Stepmom help for Navigating a rocky relationship with the bio mom
This is part 1 of a 2 part blog that explores the rocky relationships that can exist between a stepmom and a bio mom.

Apr 28, 2020
Friends with the Ex: Exploring friendship after divorce
The good news is that friendship is not a requirement for co-parenting and it isn't even a requirement for great co-parenting!

Apr 7, 2020
When "help" isn't helpful: Popular Unhelpful Divorce Resources
I am here to tell you that not all divorce resources are helpful. Let's explore how good help can go wrong

Jan 6, 2020
Grieving a divorce: how to help yourself move forward
Divorce is the second highest rated stressful event that can occur in adulthood. Processing grief is important for mental health

Dec 3, 2019
Forgiving our mistakes: Working through shame and guilt when we have hurt ourselves or others
Mistakes and failure are common. The great Brene Brown reminds us that there is no effort without error.

Nov 5, 2019
Conflict in relationships: How to fight fair
Conflict in relationships remind us that we are two independent people who share some common goals, but also have independent needs
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