The strength of a community lies in the health and wellness of its individual residents. Self care is a important practice in maintaining a healthy relationships with yourself. Self care affects our physical and emotional health. It is important that we stay healthy for both ourselves, as well as our family, friends and community. In times of stress, self care can trigger a relaxation response. Imagine self care as a shield that helps to ward away long term or serious harm.
Social distancing may have changed how we normally practice self care. Social distancing can feel limiting and frustrating but that doesn't mean it's impossible. It just means that we may have to step up and be more creative in how we access those important outlets!
TIPS FOR SELF CARE WHILE PRACTICING SOCIAL DISTANCING Emotional Self Care: Continue to see your counsellor, start/continue writing in a journal. Create boundaries for yourself and stick to them! Practical Self Care: Create a budget, take some professional development courses. Spring Clean your home, reorganize a space. Physical Self Care: Local businesses (such as Modo Yoga) are offering instagram live sessions daily. Dust off that treadmill that you have been using as a clothes rack and set some personal exercise goals! Mental Self Care: Do a puzzle, play a game, read a new book. You can check out Nest Family Counselling on Goodreads and see what is on my book shelf! Social Self Care: Create FaceTime dates with friends. Enjoy playtime with pets. Start a family games night. Create a date for you and your significant other by cooking a meal together and download Gottman Card Decks and spend the evening connecting with your partner/spouse! Spiritual Self Care: Local worship and church services are being offered online.

Favourite ways of practicing self care
FaceTime dates with friends and family
Having a glass of wine on the front driveway with neighbours (making sure we are a safe distance away from one another)
Discovering new and interesting instagram accounts (a personal favourite is Katherine Foster: she has a live sing a long with her husband David foster at 5:30PT. Tune in!)
Reorganizing the home and spring cleaning
Family game night
Make up and hair tutorials
Reading the pile of books that I've been collecting
Isolation can create depressive thoughts for some, and the internet (specifically facebook) is a breeding ground for fear mongering, misinformation and negativity. Our screen time usage may be increased during this time but please ensure that what you are spending your time on actually triggers that relaxation response. If it doesn't, re-evaluate.
It is important that we stay healthy during this time. Please be aware of any maladaptive (unhealthy) behaviours. Examples can include excessive substance use, or extreme lethargy. We have all had Netflix binge days, but let's ensure that they are the exception and not the norm. Stay attune to your body and listen for the signs.
Signs you need to change up your usual self-care
Decrease in amount and quality of sleep
Increase in anxiety
Increase in distraction
Remember, self care is subjective but sleep and hydration are beneficial to everyone!